Looking on the bright side (yes, wearing my glasses means that everything is bright... I don't have prescription sunglasses, so I'm left to cycle and run without shades)... I will soon have perfect vision without contacts or glasses! Yippee!!
I'm finally cashing in on the college graduation gift my parents offered in 2003. Thinking my Dad might actually enforce an expiration date, I've set the Lasic Eye Surgery for November 8th. What a perfect gift... or maybe they're just trying to make up for the faulty genes they passed down (horribly crooked teeth, small hands and feet, underdeveloped calf muscles… ha ha, Mom, and poor eye sight). Alright, I know I should feel blessed to be so healthy. My “imperfections” are fixable (well, most of them are… building my calves has been a futile effort; and I don’t think there’s any changing my stubbornness; and I’m sure you’re all thinking about other faults I’ve not listed.. how about you keep those to yourself).
The doctor requested that I wear glasses until the surgery. Evidently contacts carry bacteria which could cause harm during the surgery. So, until then I’ll be the nerd girl riding & running in glasses (squinting on sunny days). Thank goodness there’s huge black lines painted on the bottom of the pool!
But, I am happy to report that even in glasses I finished 6th female OA in the half marathon on Sunday. Gail Kattouf (2 OA amateur female recently at duathlon worlds) won in 1:21:00. 2nd and 3rd went to two Kenyan ladies that live in Augusta, GA. Placing 4th and 5th were some super fast local chicks (4th = Kristi Arledge… who won the Disney “Goofy” award: lowest combined time of ½ marathon and full marathon in the same weekend!). Therefore, I am more than pleased with 6th place… in fact, I’m ecstatic! Yet another reason to race… seeing yourself do something you never imagined possible.
1:27:12…. Sweet!
Hey Ashley - congrats on your awesome!!!! 1/2 marathon PR - way to go! You nailed it! Thanks for posting a message on my blog site - it's great to get feedback, even though I do it more for myself (to help keep my sanity) than for any other reason. Yea - I know Frank pretty well. He was stationed up in NC the same time/place that we were, and he gave me some really helpful hints/tips when I first started doing triathlons a few years ago. SOmetimes I'll train or bike with him down here, but because he on the full IM schedule, he usually drops my sorry rear at the beginning of the rides. Ludi is great! I'm actually going to be out at PC this weekend to support on Friday and watch part of the race on Sat. I'm supposed to meet Jen, but I'd love to meet you as well. You're blog is a lot of fun, and I really enjoy reading about your experiences. Jen has my cell number, but if you want, shoot me an email! I'm bringing my bike to get around the course a little more, but that's about it. I've got a workout Sat morning, then I'm free. Okay - this was a LONG comment! Sorry. Love the blog and I hope we get a chance to meet this weekend! cheers! Marit
Great job with 1:27!!! And I love the results from my lasik surgery a few years ago. LOVE it.
Can't wait to hear you after you get new eyes! Have fun in Florida ... and relish the success of your 1:27!!! Great going Ashley. with love, Mom
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